Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Learning has occurred

For the next module on my course we have a fairly long list of reference books!!

Now me n librarys aren't that well aquanted so I was not really looking forward to trawling throughn some dusty old manuscripts (ok maybe a slight exageraation)

From reading through my fellow cohorts posts on fc i have been introduced to

Hopefully this will be the answer to my prayers.

Anglia Ruskin does also have an E-Library that I need to become familiar with.

Feeling the pressure of the new module at the mo.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

Free software

Well we all like free stuff don't we?

These links are for some great LEGAL free software.


I strongly recommend paint.NET as a free alternative to PaintShop and a huge improvement on Windows Paint (which it has been designed, as an academic project overseen by Microsoft, to replace).

Layering and advanced effects are available, yet it is simple enough for Key Stage 2 pupils to use, for example to add effects to photos. I particularly like the semi-transparent tools which activate when you hover over them.

Google Earth
A fantastic program which uses satellite imagery and maps to let you zoom in on any location in the world. The programme also utilises the Google search facility to help you find specific places such as hotels and schools, and a layer of road names can be added by simply ticking a box.


IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial & educational use) graphic viewer. Use for producing slide shows, contact prints, viewing and converting many file types. The most common image manipulations are VERY easy. To resize, it's just "Image, Resize/Resample". Indicate the new size (in pixels, centimeters or inches) and then "OK".

Open Office
A free alternative to MS Office. It will open nearly all Office documents and also allows you to create pdf's (portable document files)

AVG Free Anti Spyware and Free Anti Virus

Does what it says on the tin!!


Module 2 marked!!1


I got 72% for module 2 of my degree course!!!

No idea how on God's green earth I did that.