Monday, April 02, 2007

Critical incident

My role at work is due to change slightly after the Easter holidays.
Currently I spend 1 hour with each year group during the week and spend the rest of my time as ICT technician. After Easter I will be assigned to the Year Four class as their TA every morning until 12:00. I will then spend the afternoons in other classes assisting with ICT lessons and troubleshooting any problems that have occurred. The Head has also increased my hour by an additional eight hours a week to allow me to keep on top of the technical running of the school’s network and website.
I am very excited by this new role and am eager to learn all that I can from working more closely with an experience teacher. I am also looking forward to developing a closer relationship with a class of pupils.
I have a slightly strained relationship with the teacher but feel that this is because I have not had time to get to know her properly. She is quite a serious individual and is quite reserved.
I feel fairly nervous about working as a TA as I have had no training and do not know fully what is expected of me.
I will have to plan my workload more effectively as I will have less time than before in my technician role. I will also have to make it clear to the other staff that any problem they encounter will not be dealt with until after lunch. I forsee this being a problem and will have to discuss with them how best to overcome it.

The increased hours will certainly be handy as I have been made redundant from my job that I worked on Saturday mornings. But at least I will get my weekends back and be able to take my daughter to ballet.