Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Online Learning Tools
As part of the second mosule on my Ultracversity course I have to examine the relative merits of different online learning tools.
A learning tool is a program that facilitates learning.
I intend to add to this post as time goes on.
Initiall, MSN messenger as it is the medium that I am most familiar with.
Messenger is a way of chatting to contacts / friends online. It is possible to use
webcams to see the other person and even to have voice and video conversations. It is also possible to exchange files though this can be a little slow.
The pros to it are that it is generally a very informal, friendly way of communicating. You can decide who you talk to and when, and likewise people can decide if they want to talk to you.
The cons are that is is very easy to drift off subject, you can only chat to people that have you in there address book and are online at the same time as you.
I organise my msn contacts into groups to make it easier to see who is online.

First Class
First class is an expansive piece of software that is extensively used by Ultraversity. It combines many tools into one cohesive piece of software.
Not the easiest of things to get to grips with as it doesn't always follow normal Windows protocol.
There are two main methods of direct communication within FC.
The cohort6 message board is a sprawling mass of posts.
It is an open forum for people to discuss any issues that they are facing with the current module. When we wher first introduced to FC it was intened that it would be as a less intensive work area. Plone (see below) was going to be the main area of discussion for module related chat.
First Class has however become dominated by module chat and, in my opinion, a few individuals.
I know that they mean well and are very helpful but I feel that they are to a bit ott. I find the dictatorial style of one person in particular quite a barrier to me interacting fully in this arena. Perhaps I am being oversensitive.
I will prefer the message board side of FC when we are split into smaller groups.
Currently with 80 or so researchers posting it is very difficult to establish any kind of relationship.
A learning tool is a program that facilitates learning.
I intend to add to this post as time goes on.
Initiall, MSN messenger as it is the medium that I am most familiar with.
Messenger is a way of chatting to contacts / friends online. It is possible to use
webcams to see the other person and even to have voice and video conversations. It is also possible to exchange files though this can be a little slow.
The pros to it are that it is generally a very informal, friendly way of communicating. You can decide who you talk to and when, and likewise people can decide if they want to talk to you.
The cons are that is is very easy to drift off subject, you can only chat to people that have you in there address book and are online at the same time as you.
I organise my msn contacts into groups to make it easier to see who is online.

First Class
First class is an expansive piece of software that is extensively used by Ultraversity. It combines many tools into one cohesive piece of software.
Not the easiest of things to get to grips with as it doesn't always follow normal Windows protocol.
There are two main methods of direct communication within FC.
The cohort6 message board is a sprawling mass of posts.
It is an open forum for people to discuss any issues that they are facing with the current module. When we wher first introduced to FC it was intened that it would be as a less intensive work area. Plone (see below) was going to be the main area of discussion for module related chat.
First Class has however become dominated by module chat and, in my opinion, a few individuals.
I know that they mean well and are very helpful but I feel that they are to a bit ott. I find the dictatorial style of one person in particular quite a barrier to me interacting fully in this arena. Perhaps I am being oversensitive.
I will prefer the message board side of FC when we are split into smaller groups.
Currently with 80 or so researchers posting it is very difficult to establish any kind of relationship.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wow nearly done two weeks
I've learnt soooo much since starting my new job and am still incredibly happy there.
Why did I leave it so long to go into education????
I have now got every machine online and printing.
I've had to set up a pc as a print server as the poor printer can't cope otherwise.
In order to get all the pcs/laptops to use this machine I've had to make sure they're all service pack 2 for Windows XP. The few laptops that use Windows ME will have to continue printing directly to the server for the time being.
Some windows cp pcs are having issues connecting to the print server. I've not had time to find out why so will let them print direct to the printer for the time being.
I've worked out how to "let" staff take their laptops home and connect to their own hown network / internet connection and still be able to reconnect to the school network when they return.
Basically I have to set the main ip/tcp protocol as obtain and IP and DNS automatically and then set the alternative config as the schools set IP addresses. Took me an hour or so last night but am really pleased that I worked it out and the staff that I've sorted it out with are very grateful.
Really it just saves me having to go and re enter their settings if they go home and change them.
I've got to perform an audit on the systems that we have, in preparation for a visit from RM with respect to the installation of a server. Hope to get this done on Fris 2oth and finish any last bits on the Monday after half-term.
I found a paper file in a box which the old deupty head had done which should hopefully give me most of the required info and save me trawling round the machines.
Had a couple of really nice chats after work with 2 of the teachers. Discussing "problem" pupils and the ways that they deal with them.
Can't wait for half term to catch up with some work on my course.
It's really hard to get it done at home as I rarely sit down to do it until gone 9 by which time I'm shattered. And when I've stayed late at work I just tend to carry on doing work things. I need to find somewhere to go that is just my space. Wishful thinking.
I'm sure that once I've settled into the role more (though I do feel very much at home there) I will be able to manage my time more effectivley.
Why did I leave it so long to go into education????
I have now got every machine online and printing.
I've had to set up a pc as a print server as the poor printer can't cope otherwise.
In order to get all the pcs/laptops to use this machine I've had to make sure they're all service pack 2 for Windows XP. The few laptops that use Windows ME will have to continue printing directly to the server for the time being.
Some windows cp pcs are having issues connecting to the print server. I've not had time to find out why so will let them print direct to the printer for the time being.
I've worked out how to "let" staff take their laptops home and connect to their own hown network / internet connection and still be able to reconnect to the school network when they return.
Basically I have to set the main ip/tcp protocol as obtain and IP and DNS automatically and then set the alternative config as the schools set IP addresses. Took me an hour or so last night but am really pleased that I worked it out and the staff that I've sorted it out with are very grateful.
Really it just saves me having to go and re enter their settings if they go home and change them.
I've got to perform an audit on the systems that we have, in preparation for a visit from RM with respect to the installation of a server. Hope to get this done on Fris 2oth and finish any last bits on the Monday after half-term.
I found a paper file in a box which the old deupty head had done which should hopefully give me most of the required info and save me trawling round the machines.
Had a couple of really nice chats after work with 2 of the teachers. Discussing "problem" pupils and the ways that they deal with them.
Can't wait for half term to catch up with some work on my course.
It's really hard to get it done at home as I rarely sit down to do it until gone 9 by which time I'm shattered. And when I've stayed late at work I just tend to carry on doing work things. I need to find somewhere to go that is just my space. Wishful thinking.
I'm sure that once I've settled into the role more (though I do feel very much at home there) I will be able to manage my time more effectivley.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Day 2 at Guston Primary School
This is for LA1 on the investigating the work piece module.
Really it's just notes to assist me when I get to write it.
I apologise for boring the pants of anyone reading it.
Arrive at school at 09:05. HG asks me to have a look at the interactive white board in the classrom she's using. "No signal" message was being displayed on white board. I checked all the connections were good then restarted the laptop and the projector.
As the same error was displayed I decided to go and check the connections on a working installation. The plug inserted into the laptop was different to the one on HG's so I thought she may have put the wrong plug in. Went back but discovered she'd got the correct plugs in the correct sockets. As her class was starting we agreed that we'd leave it and wait until the teacher that normally uses that laptop was back from her course.
Some engineers were supposed to be coming to install 2 new white boards and I hoped that I would be able to watch how they set them up. I asked our receptionist to let me know when they arrived.
As all the pc's / laptops have manually installed ip addresses I decided that I needed to know exactly what was allocated to which unit. I also needed to check the Subnet Mask, Default gateway, Primary dns and Secondary Dns settings on all machines.
I had already got the required info from some pc's in the reception class and verified this with some documentation from EIS.
It took the rest of the morning to get the required info from classes 1 - 4. Class 3 had completely different information to the others and I amended them to have the same basic network settings. I have left their ip addresses as set (even though they're incorrect). As all IP addresses are manually set rather than allocated by DHCP i need to know which ones are correctly allocated before I can change the incorrect ones.
The main ICT headache facing the staff at the moment is the tempremantal printing to the main laser printer. AS it is set up as a local printer on each machine rather than networked printer I need to check each machine individually. It's incredibly time consuming and frustrating.
The Head acknowledges that their current network needs reaplcing and we have a quote for a company to hardwire the school. To complement this I have contacted EIS and arranged for someone to come and give us some advise on a newtwork server. He confirmed that he will be able to come at 14:00 on Monday 16th October. I checked with the Head that this was ok and she showed me where the school diary is kept to make a note of such appointments.
After Lunch I planned to get the IP addresses for the remaining classes. I was however asked by one of the teachers to assist her to print the slides from a powerpoint presentation.
I got her laptop to print a test page ok and some text from a notepad file, but couldn't get the damn power point to print
Eventually got 4 of the 8 slides to print from the laser printer and did the other 4 on her inkjet.
This took about an hour so I spent the last hour getting more IP addresses.
At about 5 to 3 ( I finish at 3) the Head introduced me to one of the schools governors who is involved in the LEA ICT support team. She was giving an after school meeting for the staff. I sat in on it to gain some more knowledge.
Really it's just notes to assist me when I get to write it.
I apologise for boring the pants of anyone reading it.
Arrive at school at 09:05. HG asks me to have a look at the interactive white board in the classrom she's using. "No signal" message was being displayed on white board. I checked all the connections were good then restarted the laptop and the projector.
As the same error was displayed I decided to go and check the connections on a working installation. The plug inserted into the laptop was different to the one on HG's so I thought she may have put the wrong plug in. Went back but discovered she'd got the correct plugs in the correct sockets. As her class was starting we agreed that we'd leave it and wait until the teacher that normally uses that laptop was back from her course.
Some engineers were supposed to be coming to install 2 new white boards and I hoped that I would be able to watch how they set them up. I asked our receptionist to let me know when they arrived.
As all the pc's / laptops have manually installed ip addresses I decided that I needed to know exactly what was allocated to which unit. I also needed to check the Subnet Mask, Default gateway, Primary dns and Secondary Dns settings on all machines.
I had already got the required info from some pc's in the reception class and verified this with some documentation from EIS.
It took the rest of the morning to get the required info from classes 1 - 4. Class 3 had completely different information to the others and I amended them to have the same basic network settings. I have left their ip addresses as set (even though they're incorrect). As all IP addresses are manually set rather than allocated by DHCP i need to know which ones are correctly allocated before I can change the incorrect ones.
The main ICT headache facing the staff at the moment is the tempremantal printing to the main laser printer. AS it is set up as a local printer on each machine rather than networked printer I need to check each machine individually. It's incredibly time consuming and frustrating.
The Head acknowledges that their current network needs reaplcing and we have a quote for a company to hardwire the school. To complement this I have contacted EIS and arranged for someone to come and give us some advise on a newtwork server. He confirmed that he will be able to come at 14:00 on Monday 16th October. I checked with the Head that this was ok and she showed me where the school diary is kept to make a note of such appointments.
After Lunch I planned to get the IP addresses for the remaining classes. I was however asked by one of the teachers to assist her to print the slides from a powerpoint presentation.
I got her laptop to print a test page ok and some text from a notepad file, but couldn't get the damn power point to print
Eventually got 4 of the 8 slides to print from the laser printer and did the other 4 on her inkjet.
This took about an hour so I spent the last hour getting more IP addresses.
At about 5 to 3 ( I finish at 3) the Head introduced me to one of the schools governors who is involved in the LEA ICT support team. She was giving an after school meeting for the staff. I sat in on it to gain some more knowledge.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Instant Messenging
An easy way of contacting each other is via instant messenging.
These are free programs which allows people to chat and exchange files via the internet.
There are several different ones available and most are now compatible with each other.
I use Windows Messenger but another popular one is Yahoo! Messenger
Once you've downloaded the program you just need to create an account with your email address.
Then start adding contacts. When you add a contact they're automaticaly sent a message to notify them.
Then when any of your contacts are online you can tpye messages, use webcams, exchange files etc.
They are really easy to use but please feel free to ask if you have any trouble.
My windows messenger account is Please feel free to add my as a contact.
An easy way of contacting each other is via instant messenging.
These are free programs which allows people to chat and exchange files via the internet.
There are several different ones available and most are now compatible with each other.
I use Windows Messenger but another popular one is Yahoo! Messenger
Once you've downloaded the program you just need to create an account with your email address.
Then start adding contacts. When you add a contact they're automaticaly sent a message to notify them.
Then when any of your contacts are online you can tpye messages, use webcams, exchange files etc.
They are really easy to use but please feel free to ask if you have any trouble.
My windows messenger account is Please feel free to add my as a contact.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Incredible Machines
I believe these machines are all from a Japanese kids show. They show a different one each week. |
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Washing Machine Disaster
Before my wife went out tonight she threw a load of washing downstairs and asked our eldest daughter to put it in the machine. She of course obliged.
After I had got the little ones to sleep, I came downstairs closed the machine door and turned it on.
After it had finished ( more or less exactly as the new series of Extras started) I walked into the kitchen.
"Oh bugger! there's some tissue paper in there" I thought as I opened the door.
But no, not just some paper.
Oh no no no.
My wife's school bag with her planner, pencil case and some lovely bright post-it notes!!
The washing ( a light coloured load of course) is now not only covered in tiny wet bits of paper (reminded me of when we used to blow chewed up bits of paper through biro tubes at school) but selected items have also now adopted a rather unique tie dye effect!
The look of horror on my face must've been a picture to behold.
I'm now faced by a mountain of wet, paper covered, stained clothes and a washing machine that looks like a paper-mache nightmare.
So after hoovering out the machine and rinsing the clothes out in the bath, I am now waiting for the machine to finish its cleansing boil wash and the return of my beloved!!!
After I had got the little ones to sleep, I came downstairs closed the machine door and turned it on.
After it had finished ( more or less exactly as the new series of Extras started) I walked into the kitchen.
"Oh bugger! there's some tissue paper in there" I thought as I opened the door.
But no, not just some paper.
Oh no no no.
My wife's school bag with her planner, pencil case and some lovely bright post-it notes!!
The washing ( a light coloured load of course) is now not only covered in tiny wet bits of paper (reminded me of when we used to blow chewed up bits of paper through biro tubes at school) but selected items have also now adopted a rather unique tie dye effect!
The look of horror on my face must've been a picture to behold.
I'm now faced by a mountain of wet, paper covered, stained clothes and a washing machine that looks like a paper-mache nightmare.
So after hoovering out the machine and rinsing the clothes out in the bath, I am now waiting for the machine to finish its cleansing boil wash and the return of my beloved!!!
A word of warning
To all my fellow Ultraversity students,
One or more of us will at some point over the next three years have a computer disaster. By this I mean a virus or hardware failure which could potentially destroy all your work!
Please please get into the habit of creating back ups. If your pc / laptop has a cd writer then buy a load of blank cd roms. They're really cheap now and can be purchased in Sainsburys /Tescos etc.
If not then it is worth buying a memory stick. These are small (lighter size) and come with varying capacities. They plug into a USB port and are really fast and easy to use.
For those technophobes amongst us, please feel free to ask for any help or advice. I know that I will be asking you when I'm not sure about things.
Good luck and best wishes to you all.
One or more of us will at some point over the next three years have a computer disaster. By this I mean a virus or hardware failure which could potentially destroy all your work!
Please please get into the habit of creating back ups. If your pc / laptop has a cd writer then buy a load of blank cd roms. They're really cheap now and can be purchased in Sainsburys /Tescos etc.
If not then it is worth buying a memory stick. These are small (lighter size) and come with varying capacities. They plug into a USB port and are really fast and easy to use.
For those technophobes amongst us, please feel free to ask for any help or advice. I know that I will be asking you when I'm not sure about things.
Good luck and best wishes to you all.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ultraversity Cohort 6 Blogs
A by no means definitve list of blogs for Ultraversity Cohort 6.
If I've missed you I am sorry, please let me know and I'll update this list.">
If I've missed you I am sorry, please let me know and I'll update this list.">
Monday, September 11, 2006
Part of the story so far
My name is Oliver though most people call me Oli (to my face anyway ;o))
I'm married with 2 little girls aged 5 (nearly 6 Daddy!) and 3 1/2.
My wonderful and supportive wife is Head of Modern Languages in a local secondary school.
I am just about to leave my job of 11 years in, the travel industry, to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher.
I have accepted a job as IT technician/TA at a primary school just outside Dover, Kent.
My degree course will be done through the Ultraversity.
Exciting and scary times!
My name is Oliver though most people call me Oli (to my face anyway ;o))
I'm married with 2 little girls aged 5 (nearly 6 Daddy!) and 3 1/2.
My wonderful and supportive wife is Head of Modern Languages in a local secondary school.
I am just about to leave my job of 11 years in, the travel industry, to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher.
I have accepted a job as IT technician/TA at a primary school just outside Dover, Kent.
My degree course will be done through the Ultraversity.
Exciting and scary times!
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