Thursday, September 14, 2006

A word of warning

To all my fellow Ultraversity students,

One or more of us will at some point over the next three years have a computer disaster. By this I mean a virus or hardware failure which could potentially destroy all your work!
Please please get into the habit of creating back ups. If your pc / laptop has a cd writer then buy a load of blank cd roms. They're really cheap now and can be purchased in Sainsburys /Tescos etc.
If not then it is worth buying a memory stick. These are small (lighter size) and come with varying capacities. They plug into a USB port and are really fast and easy to use.

For those technophobes amongst us, please feel free to ask for any help or advice. I know that I will be asking you when I'm not sure about things.

Good luck and best wishes to you all.



Anonymous said...

Oli and Ableandy, hello

Wise words about backing up. The key, I have found, is to make it part of your routine when you use your computer.

When I read your comment Ableandy and I saw the word stick the first thing I thought about was the dogs from the first induction activity, then the penny dropped!

Memory sticks or thumb drives are great value. I have been using a 1GB version for a year or so now.

Wiget Maker

AnnaB said...

Hi Oli
Thanks for that bit of advice.Since I started my UV course I have been using a memory stick because I have been alternating between computers and laptops.My worry is loosing the m/stick.
Nice site btw.

OliW said...

Thanks Anna,

I suggest emailing your self copies as well.
And a weekly back up to floppy disk or cd doesn't do any harm either.