Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Action Enquiry

The 4th and last module of my first year is about Action enquiry.
In a nutshell I have to make a change to my work practice then monitor it's affect.
I have to make myself the centre of the research rather than the pupils.
So I can't say by doing x the pupils got x% higher marks but I can say by doing x I have learnt how to motivate pupils more effectivley. I can now take these findings to make change y.

I have decided to look at ways to encourage some of the pupils to participate more in class discussions.
Initially we are changing the time honoured Hands Up to a smaller gesture such as pointing their thumbs to their chests.
I will also monitor which children answer questions in Numeracy and Literacy to see if some are more confident in one than another.
I will targer those pupils who are not engaging as much and try to discover why.
Is it a fear of getting the answer wrong?
Is it laziness?
Lack of self confidence in public speaking?

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