Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Attack of the killer bees

At lunch time today a huge swarm of bees descended on the school playground!
Virtually all the kids went inside apart from 2 dumb lads who thought it was "cool" to wander about in the swarm shouting "Come ON!"

The whole playground was full of the little buggers. Eventually after about 30 mins they all descended onto a tree and made a swarming mass.

They then stayed there until all the kids had gone home.

Some bloke came to remove them. He basically put a protective mask on, put a black bin bag around the swarm then cut the twig.

He then jumped down shouting...oh that didn't go well as bees swarmed out of the sack and covered him from head to toe.

I left to go and laugh myself silly.

Never a dull day working in a school.

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