Thursday, September 14, 2006

Washing Machine Disaster

Before my wife went out tonight she threw a load of washing downstairs and asked our eldest daughter to put it in the machine. She of course obliged.
After I had got the little ones to sleep, I came downstairs closed the machine door and turned it on.
After it had finished ( more or less exactly as the new series of Extras started) I walked into the kitchen.
"Oh bugger! there's some tissue paper in there" I thought as I opened the door.
But no, not just some paper.

Oh no no no.

My wife's school bag with her planner, pencil case and some lovely bright post-it notes!!
The washing ( a light coloured load of course) is now not only covered in tiny wet bits of paper (reminded me of when we used to blow chewed up bits of paper through biro tubes at school) but selected items have also now adopted a rather unique tie dye effect!

The look of horror on my face must've been a picture to behold.

I'm now faced by a mountain of wet, paper covered, stained clothes and a washing machine that looks like a paper-mache nightmare.

So after hoovering out the machine and rinsing the clothes out in the bath, I am now waiting for the machine to finish its cleansing boil wash and the return of my beloved!!!


b_jammin666 said...

So have you been murdered yet?...

Anonymous said...

I told you not to boil them love mumx

OliW said...

Luckily severe disaster seems to have been averted.

There was nothing of any real importance in my wife's school bag (phew) and only 1 item of clothing seems stained beyond redemption.

Looks like I got lucky :)